Hot Vax Summer Incoming

 Lot's of people have big plans every year to get fit for summer, but with the world as it is right now our workouts need to be adaptable in case we're suddenly confined to our homes or restricted by... "THE VID"😧😫

Sooooo, here is where I enter to try and give you some versatile workouts for wherever you may be getting your sweat on from. Now, as always, I am not a trained fitness or health professional so please listen to your body and perform these workouts at your own risk. ALWAYS consult a professional if you're after some individualised health advice. 

Always warm up and cool down/stretch before and after working out. Here's a link to a great warm up and cool down routine: Joanna Soh: How to Perform Proper Warm Up and Cool Down

If you are unsure of how to perform any of the exercises in the following workouts, I have linked each exercise to a webpage that will explain how to safely perform the selected exercise correctly. 

1. A Full Body(weight) circuit 

Fitness Level: Beginner - Advanced

Equipment: None, just you! 

Complete as many rounds as you would like (I would opt for 3-4) and complete as many reps as your fitness level allows in the time frame provided. 

Complete each exercise for 45 seconds, then have a 15 second rest. Once all exercises are completed, have a 2 minute rest before starting again for another round. 

A: Jump Squats 

B: Push ups (on toes or knees) 

C: Reverse lunges (for a more advanced option perform jump lunges here) 

D: Burpees (sorry hehe)

E: Mountain Climbers

F: Tricep Dips (either legs at a 90 degree angle, or out straight in front of you for increased difficulty). 

Tricep Dips w/ 90 Degree Angle
PopSugar, 2018
Tricep Dips w/ Straight Legs
PopSugar, 2018 

2. Legs of Death

Fitness Level: Intermediate - Advanced


Dumbbells and/or Barbell

Exercise Ball

Resistance Band (Optional)

Complete this workout as laid out below:

A1: Barbell Kas Glute Bridge; 4 Sets, 15 Reps

A2: Dumbbell RDL's; 4 Sets, 15 Reps

B1: Dumbbells Bulgarian Split Squats; 3 Sets, 12-15 reps each leg

C1: Jump Squats; 3 Sets, 20 reps

C2: Exercise Ball Hamstring Curls (ouch!!); 3 Sets, 12-15 reps

D1: Wall Sit; 2 sets, 1-1.30 mins 

*Substitute barbells for dumbbells and visa versa, or find anything heavy you can around the house E.g. Full Milk Cartons 

*Exercise Ball hamstring curls can be performed with a tea towel if a ball is not accessible. 

Bulgarian Split Squat (B1)
OpenFit, 2021

Dumbbell RDL (A2)
Tone and Sculpt, 2020

Exercise Ball Hamstring Curls (C2)
Julie Lohre's FitBody, 2022
Towel Hamstring Curls (C2)
Fit and Elegant, 2020

3. Cardio Queen (or King)

Fitness Level: Beginner - Advanced (Complete this workout at a pace that is appropriate for your fitness level)

Equipment: This can be done equipment free, or with dumbbells for a more advanced option. 

AMRAP: Complete as many rounds as possible of each circuit for the dedicated time frame.

Warmup: I would go for a block run to warm-up (about 1km), but you can do any form of light cardio you like! E.g. Star Jumps, High Knees, Skipping etc. 


12 Push ups

24 Walking Lunges (w/ or w/out dumbbells)

50 Skips (w/ or w/out rope)



20 Squats (w/ or w/out dumbbells)

10 Burpees

15 Leg raises



50 Mountain Climbers

10 Tuck Jumps

50 Shadowboxing Punches (w/ or w/out ~ 1kg hand weights) 

OPTIONAL: Finish the workout with another block run (1km ish)

Tuck Jump (Circuit 3)
24Life, 2022
